Sunday, October 11, 2015

5 Ways to Organize House Minimalist Living Room

5 Ways to Organize House Minimalist Living Room - The living room is the main room which is a benchmark for the beauty of a home. When people enter your home, the first space they see is the living room. To that end, it is important for you to design the living room to make it look beautiful and neat.

Insights about the way of the usual arrangement of living room may have been many known societies. This was contrary to the public insight on how to setup a minimalist type homes. This was resulting in those with a minimalist home is less able to maximize the beauty of the house. In fact, how to organize a minimalist home is easy, especially arranging the living room section. So that you know, here I will explain about how to arrange living room minimalist home .

5 Ways to Organize House Minimalist Living Room

1. Shades 
Nuance is right for the part of the living room minimalist home is a classic feel. You can buy furniture classic theme to be put in the living room. Usually, the classical furniture made of metal. These materials can make your living room as if - will is a spacious room.

2. Colors 
The combination of the right color to paint the living room is also very important to give broad effect on your home. easiest color combined is white, birumuda, beige and color - the color of the other light.

3. Highlight the one side of the wall 
Highlight one of the walls of your living room is the most strategic location. Use the wall to hang the simple accessories that can add a beautiful impression.

4. The lamp 
Decorative lights can be the right choice for a graceful effect in your living room. choose a hanging decorative lights that emit white light. With white, the living room will look peaceful and serene.

5. Interest 
In order for your home look more alive, you can put fresh flowers in the corner of the house. Flowers are very appropriate to make the living room into a fragrant and elegant is the tuberose flower. You can soak them in a small urn to preserve the color.

That's 5 ways to organize the living room minimalist home that can be your reference. may be useful.

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